Ministry Team




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Our Ministry team are here to support members of our church and wider community. If you have anything you would like to discuss, prayer needs,
or questions for us, please get in contact.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   See below for some links to Community Care                                                                                    organisationthat may be able to assist you if you are in need. 





We welcome Rev. Ross Mackay who will be our

supply minister for some months. 









Wendy Hoskin is the Chair of our Church Council, and if

Rev. Ross is unavailable, Wendy will be happy to help.

Our office (3378 4505) is now open on Wednesdays and

Thursdays from 8.30 till 3.00pm, except during the school


Our office manager is Mrs Courtney Frew. 


Community Care – More Resources 

Lifeline – Crisis Support  – if life is in danger call 000 –  Call  13 11 14   for 24/7 Crisis Support.
If you are in need of emotional support, mental health care, or domestic violence help, please contact Lifeline Australia. They offer the chance to find support in all the darkest parts of you life in through a caring and compassionate over-the-phone and online confidential service for all. 

UnitingCare – Health care and community services provider, including councilling, disability support, homeless aid, family support and hospital care. See their website for more.

Wesley Mission – Health and community services provider, including housing and accomodation, family support, mental health care, training and jobs and aged care. See their website for more.




Last Updated 3/7/21